Cerita Bergambar Legenda Bahasa Inggris

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cerita legenda indonesia dalam bahasa inggris

Pertanyaan: cerita legenda indonesia dalam bahasa inggris

Timun Mas

Timun Mas is a girl who born from a gold cucumber that being nursed by an old widow. When Timun Mas is sixteen years old, her life is in danger because there is a giant who want to eat her. Actually, her mother is already have a deal with the giant who already give the golden cucumber seed to her. The deal contain is the widow will return Timun Mas to the giant when Timun Mas is grew up. But, the old widow won’t return Timun Mas to the Giant. That cause the giant to be angry. One day, the giant pursue Timun Mas to the jungle because he is out of patient. Through a guide from a hermit, Timun Mas throw a bag of cucumber that cause many bamboos appear and hurt the giant’s feet, That won’t stop the giant from pursue Timun Mas, he won’t give up. Then, Timun Mas throw a bag of salt that change the jungle to be an ocean. The giant still pursue Timun Mas and won’t give up. At last, Timun Mas throw a bag of fermented shrimp that change the jungle to be a hot mud. The giant sink below the water and dead

The Legend Of Banyuwangi

The ruler of the kingdom of Blambangan, Raden Banterang, used to occupy the neighboring areas in order to expand his territory, including the Klungkung Kingdom of Bali. The outbreak of the Klungkung War destroyed such a small country. The king of Klungkung was killed on the battlefield, yet his daughter and son were able to escape and hide in the jungle.

One day, Raden Banterang and his commanders were inspecting his district while hunting. It was in the jungle that Raden Banterang met a beautiful lady named Ida Ayu Surati. She was then taken to Blambangan to be his wife. Raden Banterang and Ida Ayu Surati enjoyed a happy life in the palace.

When Raden Banterang was hunting one day, the lonely princess was surprised by the arrival of a dirty beggar asking for her pity. The princess was surprised to find that the beggar was her older brother, Agung Bagus Mantra. She promptly squatted and embraced her brother’s legs. However, her great respect of her brother was not well accepted. Instead, she was tortured for she supposedly betrayed her noble family.

Agung Bagus Mantra asked his sister to kill Raden Banterang, but such a request was rejected. He was very angry with her and came up with a sly idea to slander Raden Banterang.

At first, Raden Banterang did not believe that his wife had been involved in a scandal with another man. Yet because of Agung’s convincing words, he was finally influenced and therefore, his wife was dragged down to a small lake. Asking for compassion, Ida Ayu Surati tried to tell the truth and denied her husband’s accusation. Hearing his wife’s explanation, the king became angrier and angrier. As a proof of her sacred love, she asked her husband to kill her. As a last request, she asked her husband to throw her dead body into the river. She said that if the water in the river smelled terrible, it meant that she had ever been sinful, but if it smelled fragrant it meant that she was innocent.
Raden Banterang who was unable to control his emotions, soon stabbed his keris (dagger) into his wife’s chest. She died instantly. The dead body of Ida Ayu Surati was quickly thrown into the dirty river. Raden Banterang was shocked to see the river suddenly become clean and as clear as glass with a fragrant smell. Raden Banterang screamed crazily and regretted his deed. He walked unsteadily and fell into the river screaming, “Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi!”

Another legend of Banyuwangi was taken from the story of Sri Tanjung Sidopekso. Once upon a time, a local ruler, King Sulahkromo, had a patih, R.Sidopekso. The wife of the patih, Sri Tanjung, was so beautiful that the king desired her. In order to be able to seduce Sri Tanjung, the king ordered his patih on a mission that would take a long time to accomplish. During his absence, the king tried to court Sri Tanjung without success. When R. Sidopekso returned, he went first to his ruler. The king, angry that his scheme had not succeeded, told the patih that during his absence his wife had been unfaithful to him. Sidopekso went home and confronted his wife with her alleged adultery. Her denial did not convince him, and he announced that he was going to kill her. Sidopekso brought Sri Tanjung to the bank of the river. Before he stabbed her to death, she prophesied that her innocence would be proven. And indeed, after having stabbed his wife to death and having thrown the dead body into the dirty river, the river immediately became clean and began to spread a wonderful fragrance. Sidopekso said, “Banyu … Wangi….. Banyuwangi”. This means “fragrant water “. BANYUWANGI was born from the proof of noble and sacred love.

contoh cerita legenda dalam bahasa inggris

Pertanyaan: contoh cerita legenda dalam bahasa inggris

The legend of Nyi Roro Kidul story
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Dewi Kadita. Because of her beauty, she was called Dewi Srengenge. It means the goddess of the sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy because he always expected to have a son.
The king decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. Dewi Mutiara wanted hor son to became a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away. The King did not agree.
Dewi Mutiara called a black wizard tor curse Kadita. She wanted kadita’s beautiful body full of ulcer. Then, Kadita’s body was full of ulcer. It smelled bad. The beautiful princess cried.
The King was very sad. No one could cure the illness of his daughter. The King did not want her daughter to be a rumour, so he sent his daughter away.
The poor princess did not know where to go. However, she had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feelings about her stepmother. She walked for almost seven days and seven nights. Then, she came to the south Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam.
Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. She became more beautiful than before. She also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or the Queen of South Ocean.

                                        The legend of Malin Kundang story
Once upon a time, there was a poor woman who had lost her husband and had a son named Malin Kundang. One day, Malin Kundang went sailing to other place. Ever since Malin Kundang’s leaving, his mother went to the shore every day, waiting for Malin Kundang to return.After years, her waiting come to an end when a luxurious ship docked at the shore. A young couple in extravagant dress stepped down from the ship. Malin’s mother was sure that the young man was her son. She tried to embrace him, but he threw her away. He didn’t admit the woman as his mother.Being denied and humiliated, Malin’s mother cursed her son. After a moment, the luxurious ship was attacked by a hurricane. Malin Kundang was hurled to the shore and turned to be a rock.

Apa bahasa inggrisnya "disini saya akan bercerita tentang legenda timun

Pertanyaan: Apa bahasa inggrisnya “disini saya akan bercerita tentang legenda timun emas”

here I will tell you about the legend of the golden cucumber

here I will tell you about the legend of the golden cucumber ” Marginalized

dialog bahasa inggris tentang cerita legenda

Pertanyaan: dialog bahasa inggris tentang cerita legenda

The legend Story :v …

Apa bahasa inggrisnya "disini saya akan bercerita tentang legenda timun

Pertanyaan: Apa bahasa inggrisnya “disini saya akan bercerita tentang legenda timun emas”

here,I will tell about the legend of “timun emas”

here I will tell you about the legend of the golden cucumber

cerita Legenda di artikan dalam Bahasa Inggris​

Pertanyaan: cerita Legenda di artikan dalam Bahasa Inggris​

legend story artinya



cerita legenda : legend story

cerita rakyat : folklore

cerita : story

cerita febel : fable story

cerita legenda indonesia dengan bahasa inggris

Pertanyaan: cerita legenda indonesia dengan bahasa inggris

maling kundang got curse by his mother to stone

legenda cerita rakyat dengan bahasa inggris

Pertanyaan: legenda cerita rakyat dengan bahasa inggris

roro jonggrang

once upon a time, there was a big kingdom. named prambanan. prambanan people lived happilly and peacefully. however, prambanan kingdom was attacked by pengging kingdom. prambanan was then led by prince of pengging, bandung bondowoso. bandung bondowoso was cruel and bad manner leader.

bandung bondowoso often watch roro jonggrang. she was prambanan princess and she was very beautiful.

one day, bandung bondowoso purpose roro jonggrang, but she was refused it. she wont marry with someone who kill her father. then, roro jonggrang found a good idea. she want to marry with bandung bondowoso if he could build 1000 temples in one night for her.

capek broo :’

cerita narasi legenda dalam bahasa inggris

Pertanyaan: cerita narasi legenda dalam bahasa inggris

The Origins of Eclipse

One day, Batara Guru gathered all gods to share Tirta Amertasari. That is holy water which can give immortality to those who drink it. When Batara Guru distributed the water, there was a giant evil named Kala Haru infiltrated. He disguised himself as a god in order to get Tirta Amertasari like the other gods.

Then Batara Guru asked they to drink the water which was given by him. When Kala Haru drunk the water, Batara Surya (God of Sun) and Batara Chandra (God of Moon) recognized him. They reported him to Batara Guru. Batara Guru was furious knowing the Kala Haru’s camouflage. Then he cut Kala Haru’s head until separated from his body. His body was thrown down to the earth while his head remained alive and floated in the sky. It was because Kala Haru had drunk a little Tirta Amertasari.

Since that day, Kala Haru very grudge to Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He kept chasing them by trying to eat the moon and the sun. However, they always escaped after being swallowed by Kala Haru because he did not have a body. To help them, Batara Guru asked all human in earth to make a lot of noise during an eclipse, as a sign of the Kala Haru’s arrival. That voice will help Batara Surya and Batara Chandra escape from Kala Haru. Until now people will hit the wooden mortar when they see the eclipse.


Asal Usul Gerhana

Pada suatu hari, Dewa Batara Guru mengumpulkan semua Dewa untuk membagikan Tirta Amertasari. Tirta Amertasari adalah air suci yang bisa memberikan keabadian kepada orang yang meminumnya. Ketika Batara guru membagikan air itu, ada seorang raksasa jahat yang bernama Kala Haru menyusup. Dia menyamar menjadi dewa agar bisa mendapatkan Tirta Amertasari seperti dewa-dewa lainnya.

Kemudian Batara Guru meminta dewa-dewa itu meminum air yang diberikannya. Ketika Kala Haru meminum air itu, Batara Surya (Dewa matahari) dan Batara Candra (Dewa Bulan) mengetahui penyamaran itu. kemudian mereka melaporkan Kala Haru kepada Batar Guru. Batara Guru sangat marah. Lalu dia menebas kepala Kala Haru hingga terpisah dengan badannya. Badanya terlempar ke bumi sedangkan kepalanya tetap hidup dan mengambang di langit karena sempat meminum sedikit Tirta Amertasari.

Semenjak kajadian itu, Kala Haru sangat dendam terhadap Batara Surya dan Batar Candra. Dia terus mengejar mereka dengan berusaha memakan bulan dan matahari. Namun, mereka selalu lolos setelah ditelan Kala Haru karena dia tidak memiliki badan. Untuk menolong mereka, Batara Guru meminta kepada seluruh penduduk bumi untuk membuat banyak suara saat terjadi gerhana, sebagai pertanda munculnya Kala Haru. Suara itu akan membantu Batara Surya dan Batara Candra melarikan diri dari Kala Haru. Hingga saat ini orang-orang akan memukul lesung kayu/alat seperti penumbuk padi ketika mereka melihat gerhana.

Maaf kalau salah

cerita legenda dalam negeri dalam bahasa inggris

Pertanyaan: cerita legenda dalam negeri dalam bahasa inggris

cerita legenda dalam negeri dalam bahasa inggris disebut folklore

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